Friday, April 1, 2011

Oaklyn Cats Cheerleading News

by Amanda Seitz
The Oaklyn Cats Unlimited cheerleading squad has made it very far this 2010-2011 season.  The team of unlimited cheerleaders wouldn’t have been able to do it with out our coaches.   Coach Kim, Coach Dana and Coach Ashley are three of the most dedicated coaches around.   Since August the unlimited team has been doing an amazing job at everything we do.  We are a group of hard working girls and that’s what made us win first place at our first competition and every single one since then.  After a few first place wins we started winning not only first place but we have been winning grand champs ever since.  When we reached our biggest competition that was called “The Fall Festival” we were all very nervous, but we pulled it together and won first place, grand champs and a full paid BID to the US Finals in Washington D.C.   We are still practicing and getting even better then before and on April 17 we are headed to Wildwood to do another practice competition before our big competition in D.C.  I will surly miss my team when it is all over this year.  A few of us will move on to a higher level starting in August the new season,  but from what I can see the Senior Rec  Oaklyn Cats are just as amazing as we are and I look forward to cheering with them and my Unlimited friends.  If you know anyone that would like to cheer for the Oaklyn cats check out our website at  and you can register from our website.  Some of the girls who are on my team from Kershaw School and who are in Audubon are listed below.

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