Sunday, April 10, 2011

NJHS transform Shining Star Park

A huge thank you to the National Junior Honor Society members for spending their Sunday afternoon cleaning up Shining Star Park. The park looks absolutely amazing! Students weeded, planted flowers, picked up trash, painted and moved wheelbarrow after wheelbarrow of mulch to each garden area. This is what Kershaw students are all about- service and dedication to their community! Let's keep this park looking beautiful.

Marissa Richter, Carlie McErlane, Taylor Gavin, Kirsten Hoffman, Sam Czerski, Victoria O'Kane, Sam Wurtz, Brittany Brown, Courtney Bocchicchio, Haley Grady, Chris Blaylock, Zach Holmes, Dominick Cipolone, Kasey Gardner, Meghan McDonough, Haley Woodington, Mark MacGarvey, Kevin Fennimore, Stephan Gravenor, Tim Alexander, Jade Carson, Claire Czerski, Gary Czerski, Tashana Brown, Natalie Price, Jess Chambers, Emily Calhoun, Kaitlyn Young

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