Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Penny War Update

Totals as of 3/2/11:

5A: $0.91
5B: $4.60
6A: $18. 48
6B: $26.37
7A: $11.92
7B: $14.10
8A: -$14.53
8B: $10.62
PDD: $4.99

Every cent you bring in raises money for the PTO. Awesome job Kershaw homerooms!


  1. yea mrs.hodums calss is amazing were gonna win the pizza party!!!!! but good luck to all the other classes perticipating

  2. Go Mrs hodums class . we are in the lead.woooooowwwww. good luck to the rest of the classes and its gonna be a close one towards the end

  3. Good job everyone! Keep up the good work with these pennies,but I think Mrs.Kulpa's class is going to win.....Were catchin' up!
