Sunday, December 19, 2010


The PTO has begun another fierce competition between the Kershaw homerooms! Money raised will help the PTO with activities for the students.

Students put pennies into their homeroom's jar OR put silver coins into other homerooms' jars to take away from their total!  Here are the current totals, in order:

7B: $17.50
8B: $13.66
6B: $12.47
6A: $11.15
7A: $9.36
5B: $5.80
5A: $3.01
PDD: $3.01
8A: -$16.03

Keep bringing in those coins! May the best homeroom win!
Kershaw homerooms- Penny Wars totals

1 comment:

  1. That sure was a lot of money every class had. It looks like every class tried their hardest to win the pizza party. I cant wait till they announce who wins the penny wars. It looks like it is going to be a tight race. GOOD LUCK TO ALL CLASSES!!
