Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Penny Wars (new update!)

By Maryellen Crain

It looks as if the last collection results are in. Here is where the homerooms are:

5A: $3.01
5B: $5.80
6A: $9.65
6B: $19.15
7A: $9.44
7B: $1.05
8A: -$13.51
8B: -$6.42
PDD: $4.49

Congratulations everyone!  It looks like the winner right now is 6B- Mrs. Hodum! I hope you all can reach your goal! Remember that the MORE silver coins you have the LESS you actually have! Keep up the good work! This all goes to the PTO! Good luck next time!

Sunday, December 19, 2010

November Students of the Month

5th Grade: Biance DiPadova
6th Grade: Austin Rampolla
7th Grade: Stephanie Miles
8th Grade: Kirsten Hoffman

Congratulations students!


The PTO has begun another fierce competition between the Kershaw homerooms! Money raised will help the PTO with activities for the students.

Students put pennies into their homeroom's jar OR put silver coins into other homerooms' jars to take away from their total!  Here are the current totals, in order:

7B: $17.50
8B: $13.66
6B: $12.47
6A: $11.15
7A: $9.36
5B: $5.80
5A: $3.01
PDD: $3.01
8A: -$16.03

Keep bringing in those coins! May the best homeroom win!
Kershaw homerooms- Penny Wars totals

Monday, November 29, 2010

The New M.E.F.D. Coming Soon!

By Jade Carson and Justin Spadea

The Mount Ephraim Fire Department just recently knocked down the one of its fire stations in early October and is being rebuilt for a bigger station. In the town of Mount Ephraim we had two fire stations. One was located on Bell Rd. and the other is located on Station Ave. The one on Bell Rd. is being rebuilt. The new fire station will be approximately the size of both fire stations put together. It will be done in June- August of 2011. Larry Buckingham said he thinks the new station will strengthen the relationship between the community. Mr. Hunter, our principal, said even though it affects the traffic around the school, that he thinks the bond of the school and the firemen is still strong. GOOD LUCK FIREMEN! 
The old fire house on Bell Road.
After being knocked down

Monday, November 22, 2010

Congratulations to RWK Students of the Month!

September 2010
Khang Ton
Kaila White
Tashana Brown
Haku Misawic

October 2010
Kyle Evans
Georgana Stewart
Bill DiLolle
Jade Carson

Monday, November 8, 2010

New Look for Kershaw School

With the help of Mr. Eustace's green thumb, Justin Spadea, Tiahna Duong, Kirsten Hoffman, Jess Chambers, Natalie Price, and Jade Carson all members of the National Junior Honor Society, spent an afternoon planting new flowers at the Kershaw sign. Thank you PTO for your donation. It looks great!

Thursday, November 4, 2010


Welcome to the RWK Middle School blog! This is a place where we can upload the great things that are happening at our school.