Sunday, September 18, 2011

Give Kershaw students a week and see what they can do...

RWK students recently took the time to remember the 10th anniversary of 9/11. We discussed the events of the day and how more then ever before strangers came together to help out one another. In the spirit of service we decided to help others out as well. Can tabs are collected all over the world for the Ronald McDonald House to recycle and receive funding for their programs. Within a week RWK students collected hundreds and hundreds of tabs. Some students brought in huge bags from home, some collected during lunch periods and others are asking their families to save the tabs. We all now have a simple service project that is easy and rewarding. It reminds us that our country's citizens are known and will continue to be known as people that help those in need. When others are suffering, we lend a helping hand and contribute. 

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Welcome Back!

We had a great first day of school here at R.W. Kershaw Middle School. Students caught up with friends and came ready to begin their year. Let's make it a successful year!

Friday, May 13, 2011

Spring has Sprung...

Spring Break? check.
NJASK Testing? check.
Spring Concert? check.
Field Trips? check.

We are winding down to our last month of school with PLENTY to do!

The NJASK is finished and students did their best work. Students are excited about traveling to Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington DC as well as trips to Medieval Times and Great Adventure. 8th graders are preparing for their special dinner dance. And finals are right around the corner!

Night of Excellence- Math Games


Knowledge Bowl Pep Rally for NJASK

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Mt. Ephraim Cabana gives Merchantville first loss of season in 9-6 victory

by Chris Blaylock

Mt. Ephraim Cabana wins on clutch performances by clutch hitter A.J Gilmore and stand-out Pitchers Logan Stemetzki and John Myers.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Mt. Ephraim Piskers Bakery tops Mt. Ephraim Cabana on Opening Day

by Chris Blaylock

Score by inning             1      2      3      4      5      6      F
Mt. Ephraim Cabana   2      0      0      0      0      4      6
Mt. Ephraim Piskers    1      1      0      2      2      1      7
         Last Saturday, Mount Ephraim held another perfect Opening Day. For the Major League Division, the Mt. Ephraim Cabana team (coached by Joel Stemetzki), faced the Mt. Ephraim Piskers Bakery team (coached by Augie Meraz). M.E Cabana capped off the first with two RBI-Singles by Dymitri Galieono and Jeff Henkel. In the bottom of the 4th, Andrew Fehr gave M.E Piskers a 4-2 lead with a 2-Run Home Run. In the top of the 6th, M.E Cabana made a fierce comeback down 6-2 to tie it 6-6. In that inning, Jon Myers had an RBI walk and Dymitri Galieono tied it with a 3-Run double and was then thrown out trying to advance to third base. But in the bottom of the 6th, a passed ball went back to the fence and the runner at 3rd scored to win the game. So, in the first game for both teams, they show they have a lot of talent in them and can find their way to the Play-offs easily at the end of the season.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Night of Excellence- Tuesday, April 19th @6:30pm

RWK students would like to welcome parents to our Night of Excellence- The Students Take Over! This is a great opportunity to come "back to school" with your child and explore the great things happening at Kershaw. Student work will be on display as well as various learning stations around the building. The students have TONS to teach you so please plan on attending! Those that attend with a parent will receive extra credit in some of their classes. Refreshments will be served at the conclusion of the night. 

Sunday, April 10, 2011

NJHS transform Shining Star Park

A huge thank you to the National Junior Honor Society members for spending their Sunday afternoon cleaning up Shining Star Park. The park looks absolutely amazing! Students weeded, planted flowers, picked up trash, painted and moved wheelbarrow after wheelbarrow of mulch to each garden area. This is what Kershaw students are all about- service and dedication to their community! Let's keep this park looking beautiful.

Marissa Richter, Carlie McErlane, Taylor Gavin, Kirsten Hoffman, Sam Czerski, Victoria O'Kane, Sam Wurtz, Brittany Brown, Courtney Bocchicchio, Haley Grady, Chris Blaylock, Zach Holmes, Dominick Cipolone, Kasey Gardner, Meghan McDonough, Haley Woodington, Mark MacGarvey, Kevin Fennimore, Stephan Gravenor, Tim Alexander, Jade Carson, Claire Czerski, Gary Czerski, Tashana Brown, Natalie Price, Jess Chambers, Emily Calhoun, Kaitlyn Young