Monday, January 31, 2011

NJHS Members CAN cook!

On January 14th and 28th, the Kershaw members of the National Junior Honor Society spent the evening at the Ronald McDonald House in Camden, NJ. Both groups did a great job cooking a delicious dinner for the families staying at the house. They met families from Virginia to Tennessee, Chicago to Ireland! All families staying at the Ronald McDonald House need to be close to hospitals where their children are receiving care.

The Chefs: Mrs. Carson, Jade Carson, Kirsten Hoffman, Natalie Price, Tiahna Duong, Mrs. Spadea, Justin Spadea, Mrs. Chambers, Jessica Chambers, Mrs. Czerski, Claire Czerski, Sam Czerski, Zach Holmes, Carlie McErlane, and Mrs. Finegan

Saturday, January 22, 2011

5-6th Grade Basketball Update

by Logan Stemetski

1. Dorrian Tompson         80 points
2. Damon Meraz              63 points
3. Nick Chiardia               52 points
4. Austin Rampolla          50 points
5. Robbie Dunn               45 points
6. Grace Marshall             38 points
7. Dallas Urban                37 points
8. Kelsey Vespe               31 points
9. Robert Agostini            29 points
10. Lindsay Musselman    29 points

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Mt. Ephraim Basketball 5-6th top 10 scorers!

    by Logan Stemetzki
    1.Dorian Thompson 74 points
    2.Damon Meraz 56 points
    3.Nick Chiardia 43 points
    4.Austin Rampolla 40 points
    5.Robbie Dunn 35 points
    6.Grace Marshall 32 points
    7.Dallas Urban 29 points
    8.Robert Agostini 27 points
    9.Kelsey Vespe 27 points
    10.Lindsay Musselman 25 points

These are the top 10 scores in the 5-6th grade! I am going to be updating this blog every Thursday evening. I am really excited to see who will be in the top 10 scores in the league by the end of the season. The only thing is I am not including scores for the playoffs. I hope this gives everyone a chance to go on to this blog every Thursday evening. Its a really good way to see if you are in the top 10 scores of that week. The only bad thing is you might be in the top 10 one week but the next you might not be on it. :(

Thank you for looking at this!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

December Students of the Month

5th Grade: Jimmy O'Hara

6th Grade: Jewelia Stewelia

7th Grade: Brittany Brown

8th Grade: Kevin Fennimore

Congratulations students!!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Look who visited our school!

In November, Mr. Gies and Mr. Synder gave Civil War presentations to the 8th graders. Both presenters had tons of interesting facts about the Civil War as well as lots of original artifacts and replica items on display. It was a great way for us to better understand the Civil War and see how different life was in the 1800's.

Mr. Gies presenting

Mr. Snyder presenting

In December, Coast Guard officers presented to several of the Kershaw classes. They explained different careers in the Coast Guard and how math, science and the technology are crucial to Coast Guard careers. The officers even went into detail about the physics of flight.

Coast Guard officiers presenting